Author: SEO

Bad Organization

I’m sure you’ve visited web sites which seem to have been organized by a monkey or chimpanzee. Well, I’ve been to sites where a money could have done a better job. Lousy menu systems...


Bad Colors

You can really mess up a great web site with some bad choices in coloring. An example of something that I see all the time is below. Isn’t this hard to read? It’s really...


Bad ActiveX

ActiveX uses an interesting method for enforcing security … it doesn’t. Well, that’s not exactly true. What happens is when a web page requests an ActiveX control the browser determines if that control is...


No Right Click

I suppose it was inevitable that someone would figure out how to disable the right click button. And on the surface this seems like a great idea. I mean, you can keep people from...


Bad Animations

Animation can turn a blah, boring website into a work of art which draws visitors back again and again. That’s rare because animation is generally not used very well. Most webmasters go through several...


Bad Graphics

I know you like to put graphics on your page. There is little better than a site which has been done by a professional graphics designer. The perfect balance between graphics, color, fonts, photos...


Bad Text

Even in today’s world of Flash animation, animated GIFs, sound files, VRML and other dazzling special effects, the basic reason why people surf the web is to read. Yes, the pictures are great, and...


Link Rot

Something which constantly amazes me is how quickly the links on a web site go out of date. This is especially true of external links, but can also occur with internal links and graphics....



There are times when it is necessary to delete or rename a web document. Generally, it is not a good idea to just delete pages from your site, as your pages are most likely...


What’s New

In order to keep your visitors coming back for more, it is generally a good idea to be constantly making changes to your web site. For example, on this site there are anywhere from...
